Forms for Girl Scout Leaders
If you don’t see the form you need, visit the forms page on the GSHNJ website.
Accident Report - Use this form in the event of an accident, illness, or injury at a Girl Scout activity to document and to notify Girl Scouts Heart of New Jersey (GSHNJ) of the circumstances and actions.
Application to Gather on Private Property - Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) and Girl Scouts Heart of New Jersey (GSHNJ) do not recommend holding troop meetings or activities on private property. GSHNJ has elected to grant permission to gather on private property for one-time Girl Scout events to those who meet the criteria. Application must be completed in its entirety and approved by GSHNJ prior to holding a meeting or activity on private property.
Background Check Retrigger Request - Use this form to retrigger a volunteer background check link that has expired.
Check Request Form - Use this expense voucher to request reimbursement from the Service Unit 48 Treasurer.
Certificate of Insurance Request from GSHNJ - Use this form if an organization requires a Certificate of Liability Insurance (COI) from Girl Scouts Heart of New Jersey (GSHNJ).
Certificate of Insurance Request from an Outside Organization - Use this form to request a Certificate of Liability Insurance (COI) from an organization providing use of their site for Girl Scouts Heart of New Jersey (GSHNJ) Service Units, Troops, or Groups for events or activities.
Council Signature Request - Use this form to obtain a council signature on an agreement, contract, facility use form, memos of understanding, permit, reservation, or other binding document that benefits, imposes responsibility, or imposes potential liability on Girl Scouts or Girl Scouts Heart of New Jersey (GSHNJ) service units or troops.
How to gsEvents - Basics for registering for council programs and events.
How to Renew Membership - How to check your troop roster in myGS and how to renew a youth member as a troop leader.
Incident Report - Use this form in the event of a non-medical incident at a Girl Scout activity to document and to notify Girl Scouts Heart of New Jersey (GSHNJ) of the circumstances and actions of those involved.
Public Relations Form - The Girl Scouts of Cranford work tirelessly to promote the ideals that embody the Girl Scout promise through service to our community. We want to make sure that troops are recognized for their efforts in the press and social media.
Sales Tax Exemption Form - When making tax-exempt purchases you must sign a copy of Form ST-5, provide a copy to the seller and pay with troop funds.
Sensitive Issues Consent Form - Use this consent form when hosting or attending a program, event, or activity that addresses possibly sensitive topics.
Trip Application (Extended/International Travel) - Submit this form to notify council of any troop-hosted domestic travel that is longer than two nights or any international travel at least 120 days prior to the event.
Trip Application (High Risk Activities or Domestic Travel up to 2 Nights - Submit this form to request council approval for high-risk activities, GSHNJ camp rentals, and domestic travel up to 2 nights (three nights if over a federal holiday) at least 30 days prior to the event.