Isabella's Silver Award Project

Isabella’s Silver Award Project was created over the span of a year and a half to bring awareness to the TOPSoccer (The Outreach Program For Soccer) program. TOPSoccer is a recreational sports program for children and adults with intellectual, emotional, or physical disabilities offered only through local US Youth Soccer-affiliated soccer clubs. TOPSoccer provides people with diverse abilities an opportunity to play soccer in a structured environment that is safe, fun, supportive, and inclusive.

Isabella, an eighth grader, coordinated a town-wide soccer clinic in June, 2024 at a local park to teach Cranford girls about TOPSoccer. At the clinic, about twenty girls participated in soccer drills, shared snacks, did arts and crafts, and learned about the program. She also set up a donation station to collect gently used soccer gear for the Boys and Girls Club of Newark.

Isabella hopes to inspire other Girl Scouts to participate in TOPSoccer and donate much needed soccer gear to those in need! Click here to learn more about running your own soccer clinic to promote TOPSoccer.

Isabella’s soccer clinic participants (above) and the flyer that was posted on Facebook (below).


Leader Appreciation Dinner